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Text File  |  1994-03-23  |  20KB  |  1,477 lines

  2. AND
  3. ARRAY
  4. AbortDoc
  5. Abs
  6. Abstract
  7. AccessResource
  8. AddAtom
  9. AddFontResource
  10. AddString
  11. Addr
  12. AdjustWindowRect
  13. AdjustWindowRectEx
  14. AllocDStoCSAlias
  15. AllocDiskSpace
  16. AllocFileHandles
  17. AllocGDIMem
  18. AllocMem
  19. AllocMultiSel
  20. AllocResource
  21. AllocSelector
  22. AllocUserMem
  23. AnimatePalette
  24. AnsiLower
  25. AnsiLowerBuff
  26. AnsiNext
  27. AnsiPrev
  28. AnsiToOem
  29. AnsiToOemBuff
  30. AnsiUpper
  31. AnsiUpperBuff
  32. AnyPopup
  33. Append
  34. AppendMenu
  35. Application
  36. Arc
  37. ArcTan
  38. ArrangeIconicWindows
  39. ArrangeIcons
  40. Assign
  41. AssignCrt
  42. Assigned
  43. At
  44. AtDelete
  45. AtFree
  46. AtInsert
  47. AtPut
  48. Attr
  49. AutoMode
  50. AutoScroll
  51. BEGIN
  52. BNClicked
  53. Bar
  54. Bar3D
  55. BeginDeferWindowPos
  56. BeginDocument
  57. BeginPaint
  58. BeginView
  59. BitBlt
  60. BlockRead
  61. BlockWrite
  62. Break
  63. BringWindowToTop
  64. BufEnd
  65. BufPtr
  66. BufSize
  67. Buffer
  68. BuildCommDCB
  69. CASE
  70. CMArrangeIcons
  71. CMCascadeChildren
  72. CMCloseChildren
  73. CMCreateChild
  74. CMEditClear
  75. CMEditCopy
  76. CMEditCut
  77. CMEditDelete
  78. CMEditPaste
  79. CMEditUndo
  80. CMTileChildren
  81. CONST
  83. CSeg
  84. CallMsgFilter
  85. CallNextHookEx
  86. CallWindowProc
  87. CanClose
  88. CanUndo
  89. Cancel
  90. CascadeChildren
  91. Catch
  92. ChDir
  93. ChangeClipboardChain
  94. ChangeMenu
  95. Check
  96. CheckDlgButton
  97. CheckMenuItem
  98. CheckRadioButton
  99. ChildList
  100. ChildMenuPos
  101. ChildWindowFromPoint
  102. ChildWith
  103. ChooseColor
  104. ChooseFont
  105. Chord
  106. Chr
  107. Circle
  108. ClassFirst
  109. ClassNext
  110. Clear
  111. ClearCommBreak
  112. ClearDevice
  113. ClearList
  114. ClearModify
  115. ClearViewPort
  116. ClientAttr
  117. ClientToScreen
  118. ClientWnd
  119. ClipCursor
  120. Close
  121. CloseChildren
  122. CloseClipboard
  123. CloseComm
  124. CloseDriver
  125. CloseGraph
  126. CloseMetaFile
  127. CloseSound
  128. CloseWindow
  129. ClrEol
  130. ClrScr
  131. CombineRgn
  132. CommDlgExtendedError
  133. Compare
  134. Concat
  135. Continue
  136. Copy
  137. CopyCursor
  138. CopyFrom
  139. CopyIcon
  140. CopyLZFile
  141. CopyMetaFile
  142. CopyRect
  143. Cos
  144. Count
  145. CountClipboardFormats
  146. CountVoiceNotes
  147. Create
  148. CreateBitmap
  149. CreateBitmapIndirect
  150. CreateBrushIndirect
  151. CreateCaret
  152. CreateChild
  153. CreateChildren
  154. CreateCompatibleBitmap
  155. CreateCompatibleDC
  156. CreateCursor
  157. CreateDC
  158. CreateDIBPatternBrush
  159. CreateDIBitmap
  160. CreateDialog
  161. CreateDialogIndirect
  162. CreateDialogIndirectParam
  163. CreateDialogParam
  164. CreateDiscardableBitmap
  165. CreateEllipticRgn
  166. CreateEllipticRgnIndirect
  167. CreateFont
  168. CreateFontIndirect
  169. CreateHatchBrush
  170. CreateIC
  171. CreateIcon
  172. CreateMenu
  173. CreateMetaFile
  174. CreatePalette
  175. CreatePatternBrush
  176. CreatePen
  177. CreatePenIndirect
  178. CreatePolyPolygonRgn
  179. CreatePolygonRgn
  180. CreatePopupMenu
  181. CreateRectRgn
  182. CreateRectRgnIndirect
  183. CreateRoundRectRgn
  184. CreateScalableFontResource
  185. CreateSolidBrush
  186. CreateWindow
  187. CreateWindowEx
  188. Cut
  190. DIV
  191. DO
  192. DOS3Call
  193. DOWNTO
  194. DPtoLP
  195. DSeg
  196. DdeAbandonTransaction
  197. DdeAccessData
  198. DdeAddData
  199. DdeClientTransaction
  200. DdeCmpStringHandles
  201. DdeConnect
  202. DdeConnectList
  203. DdeCreateDataHandle
  204. DdeCreateStringHandle
  205. DdeDisconnect
  206. DdeDisconnectList
  207. DdeEnableCallback
  208. DdeFreeDataHandle
  209. DdeFreeStringHandle
  210. DdeGetData
  211. DdeGetLastError
  212. DdeInitialize
  213. DdeKeepStringHandle
  214. DdeNameService
  215. DdePostAdvise
  216. DdeQueryConvInfo
  217. DdeQueryNextServer
  218. DdeQueryString
  219. DdeReconnect
  220. DdeSetUserHandle
  221. DdeUnaccessData
  222. DdeUninitialize
  223. DebugBreak
  224. DebugOutput
  225. DefChildProc
  226. DefCommandProc
  227. DefDlgProc
  228. DefDriverProc
  229. DefFrameProc
  230. DefHookProc
  231. DefMDIChildProc
  232. DefNotificationProc
  233. DefScreenSaverProc
  234. DefWindowProc
  235. DefWndProc
  236. DefaultProc
  237. DeferWindowPos
  238. DelLine
  239. Delay
  240. Delete
  241. DeleteAll
  242. DeleteAtom
  243. DeleteDC
  244. DeleteLine
  245. DeleteMenu
  246. DeleteMetaFile
  247. DeleteObject
  248. DeleteSelection
  249. DeleteString
  250. DeleteSubText
  251. Delta
  252. DeltaPos
  253. Destroy
  254. DestroyCaret
  255. DestroyCursor
  256. DestroyIcon
  257. DestroyMenu
  258. DestroyWindow
  259. DetectGraph
  260. DeviceCapabilities
  261. DeviceMode
  262. DialogBox
  263. DialogBoxIndirect
  264. DialogBoxIndirectParam
  265. DialogBoxParam
  266. DirectedYield
  267. DisableAutoCreate
  268. DisableTransfer
  269. DiskFree
  270. DiskSize
  271. DispatchMessage
  272. DispatchScroll
  273. Dispose
  274. DlgChangePassword
  275. DlgDirList
  276. DlgDirListComboBox
  277. DlgDirSelect
  278. DlgDirSelectComboBox
  279. DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx
  280. DlgDirSelectEx
  281. DlgGetPassword
  282. DlgInvalidPassword
  283. Done
  284. DosExitCode
  285. DosVersion
  286. DragAcceptFiles
  287. DragFinish
  288. DragQueryFile
  289. DragQueryPoint
  290. DrawFocusRect
  291. DrawIcon
  292. DrawMenuBar
  293. DrawText
  294. Duplicates
  295. ELSE
  296. END
  298. Ellipse
  299. EmptyClipboard
  300. EmsCurHandle
  301. EmsCurPage
  302. EnableAutoCreate
  303. EnableCommNotification
  304. EnableHardwareInput
  305. EnableKBHandler
  306. EnableMenuItem
  307. EnableScrollBar
  308. EnableTransfer
  309. EnableWindow
  310. EndDeferWindowPos
  311. EndDialog
  312. EndDlg
  313. EndDoc
  314. EndPage
  315. EndPaint
  316. EndView
  317. EnterCancel
  318. EnterOk
  319. EnumChildWindows
  320. EnumClipboardFormats
  321. EnumFontFamilies
  322. EnumFonts
  323. EnumMetaFile
  324. EnumObjects
  325. EnumProps
  326. EnumTaskWindows
  327. EnumWindows
  328. EnvCount
  329. EnvStr
  330. EoLn
  331. Eof
  332. EqualRect
  333. EqualRgn
  334. Erase
  335. Error
  336. ErrorInfo
  337. Escape
  338. EscapeCommFunction
  339. Exclude
  340. ExcludeClipRect
  341. ExcludeUpdateRgn
  342. Exec
  343. ExecDialog
  344. Execute
  345. Exit
  346. ExitWindows
  347. ExitWindowsExec
  348. Exp
  349. ExtDeviceMode
  350. ExtFloodFill
  351. ExtTextOut
  352. ExtractIcon
  353. FExpand
  354. FILE
  355. FOR
  356. FORWARD
  357. FSearch
  358. FSplit
  360. FatalAppExit
  361. FatalExit
  362. FilePos
  363. FileSize
  364. FillChar
  365. FillEllipse
  366. FillPoly
  367. FillRect
  368. FillRgn
  369. FindAtom
  370. FindExecutable
  371. FindFirst
  372. FindNext
  373. FindResource
  374. FindText
  375. FindWindow
  376. FirstThat
  377. Flags
  378. FlashWindow
  379. FloodFill
  380. Flush
  381. FlushComm
  382. FocusChildHandle
  383. ForEach
  384. Frac
  385. FrameRect
  386. FrameRgn
  387. Free
  388. FreeAll
  389. FreeAllGDIMem
  390. FreeAllMem
  391. FreeAllUserMem
  392. FreeItem
  393. FreeLibrary
  394. FreeMem
  395. FreeModule
  396. FreeMultiSel
  397. FreeProcInstance
  398. FreeResource
  399. FreeSelector
  400. GOTO
  401. Get
  402. GetActiveWindow
  403. GetArcCoords
  404. GetAspectRatio
  405. GetAspectRatioFilter
  406. GetAspectRatioFilterEx
  407. GetAsyncKeyState
  408. GetAtomHandle
  409. GetAtomName
  410. GetBitmapBits
  411. GetBitmapDimension
  412. GetBitmapDimensionEx
  413. GetBkColor
  414. GetBkMode
  415. GetBoundsRect
  416. GetBrushOrg
  417. GetBrushOrgEx
  418. GetCBreak
  419. GetCapture
  420. GetCaretBlinkTime
  421. GetCaretPos
  422. GetCharABCWidths
  423. GetCharWidth
  424. GetCheck
  425. GetChildPtr
  426. GetClassInfo
  427. GetClassLong
  428. GetClassName
  429. GetClassWord
  430. GetClient
  431. GetClientRect
  432. GetClipBox
  433. GetClipCursor
  434. GetClipboardData
  435. GetClipboardFormatName
  436. GetClipboardOwner
  437. GetClipboardViewer
  438. GetCodeHandle
  439. GetCodeInfo
  440. GetColor
  441. GetCommError
  442. GetCommEventMask
  443. GetCommState
  444. GetCount
  445. GetCurrentPDB
  446. GetCurrentPosition
  447. GetCurrentPositionEx
  448. GetCurrentTask
  449. GetCurrentTime
  450. GetCursor
  451. GetCursorPos
  452. GetDC
  453. GetDCEx
  454. GetDCOrg
  455. GetDIBits
  456. GetDOSEnvironment
  457. GetDate
  458. GetDefaultPalette
  459. GetDesktopWindow
  460. GetDeviceCaps
  461. GetDialogBaseUnits
  462. GetDialogInfo
  463. GetDir
  464. GetDlgCtrlID
  465. GetDlgItem
  466. GetDlgItemInt
  467. GetDlgItemText
  468. GetDoubleClickTime
  469. GetDriveType
  470. GetDriverInfo
  471. GetDriverModuleHandle
  472. GetEnv
  473. GetExpandedName
  474. GetFAttr
  475. GetFTime
  476. GetFileResource
  477. GetFileResourceSize
  478. GetFileTitle
  479. GetFileVersionInfo
  480. GetFileVersionInfoSize
  481. GetFillSettings
  482. GetFocus
  483. GetFontData
  484. GetFreeFileHandles
  485. GetFreeSpace
  486. GetFreeSystemResources
  487. GetGlyphOutline
  488. GetGraphMode
  489. GetID
  490. GetImage
  491. GetInputState
  492. GetInstanceData
  493. GetIntVec
  494. GetItem
  495. GetItemHandle
  496. GetKBCodePage
  497. GetKerningPairs
  498. GetKeyNameText
  499. GetKeyState
  500. GetKeyboardState
  501. GetKeyboardType
  502. GetLastActivePopup
  503. GetLine
  504. GetLineFromPos
  505. GetLineIndex
  506. GetLineLength
  507. GetLineSettings
  508. GetMapMode
  509. GetMaxX
  510. GetMaxY
  511. GetMem
  512. GetMenu
  513. GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions
  514. GetMenuItemCount
  515. GetMenuItemID
  516. GetMenuState
  517. GetMenuString
  518. GetMessage
  519. GetMessageExtraInfo
  520. GetMessagePos
  521. GetMessageTime
  522. GetMetaFile
  523. GetMetaFileBits
  524. GetModuleFileName
  525. GetModuleHandle
  526. GetModuleUsage
  527. GetMsgID
  528. GetNearestColor
  529. GetNearestPaletteIndex
  530. GetNextDlgGroupItem
  531. GetNextDlgTabItem
  532. GetNextDriver
  533. GetNextWindow
  534. GetNumLines
  535. GetNumTasks
  536. GetObject
  537. GetOpenClipboardWindow
  538. GetOpenFileName
  539. GetOutlineTextMetrics
  540. GetPalette
  541. GetPaletteEntries
  542. GetParent
  543. GetPixel
  544. GetPolyFillMode
  545. GetPos
  546. GetPosition
  547. GetPriorityClipboardFormat
  548. GetPrivateProfileInt
  549. GetPrivateProfileString
  550. GetProcAddress
  551. GetProfileInt
  552. GetProfileString
  553. GetProp
  554. GetQueueStatus
  555. GetROP2
  556. GetRange
  557. GetRasterizerCaps
  558. GetRgnBox
  559. GetSaveFileName
  560. GetScrollPos
  561. GetScrollRange
  562. GetSelIndex
  563. GetSelString
  564. GetSelection
  565. GetSelectorBase
  566. GetSelectorLimit
  567. GetSiblingPtr
  568. GetSize
  569. GetStockObject
  570. GetStretchBltMode
  571. GetString
  572. GetStringLen
  573. GetSubMenu
  574. GetSubText
  575. GetSysColor
  576. GetSysModalWindow
  577. GetSystemDebugState
  578. GetSystemDir
  579. GetSystemDirectory
  580. GetSystemMenu
  581. GetSystemMetrics
  582. GetSystemPaletteEntries
  583. GetSystemPaletteUse
  584. GetTabbedTextExtent
  585. GetTempDrive
  586. GetTempFileName
  587. GetText
  588. GetTextAlign
  589. GetTextCharacterExtra
  590. GetTextColor
  591. GetTextExtent
  592. GetTextExtentPoint
  593. GetTextFace
  594. GetTextLen
  595. GetTextMetrics
  596. GetTextSettings
  597. GetThresholdEvent
  598. GetThresholdStatus
  599. GetTickCount
  600. GetTime
  601. GetTimerResolution
  602. GetTopWindow
  603. GetUpdateRect
  604. GetUpdateRgn
  605. GetVerify
  606. GetVersion
  607. GetViewSettings
  608. GetViewportExt
  609. GetViewportExtEx
  610. GetViewportOrg
  611. GetViewportOrgEx
  612. GetWinDebugInfo
  613. GetWinFlags
  614. GetWinMem32Version
  615. GetWindow
  616. GetWindowClass
  617. GetWindowDC
  618. GetWindowExt
  619. GetWindowExtEx
  620. GetWindowLong
  621. GetWindowOrg
  622. GetWindowOrgEx
  623. GetWindowPlacement
  624. GetWindowRect
  625. GetWindowTask
  626. GetWindowText
  627. GetWindowTextLength
  628. GetWindowWord
  629. GetWindowsDir
  630. GetWindowsDirectory
  631. GetX
  632. GetY
  633. Global16PointerAlloc
  634. Global16PointerFree
  635. Global32Alloc
  636. Global32CodeAlias
  637. Global32CodeAliasFree
  638. Global32Free
  639. Global32Realloc
  640. GlobalAddAtom
  641. GlobalAlloc
  642. GlobalCompact
  643. GlobalDeleteAtom
  644. GlobalDosAlloc
  645. GlobalDosFree
  646. GlobalEntryHandle
  647. GlobalEntryModule
  648. GlobalFindAtom
  649. GlobalFirst
  650. GlobalFix
  651. GlobalFlags
  652. GlobalFree
  653. GlobalGetAtomName
  654. GlobalHandle
  655. GlobalHandleToSel
  656. GlobalInfo
  657. GlobalLRUNewest
  658. GlobalLRUOldest
  659. GlobalLock
  660. GlobalNext
  661. GlobalNotify
  662. GlobalPageLock
  663. GlobalPageUnlock
  664. GlobalReAlloc
  665. GlobalSize
  666. GlobalUnWire
  667. GlobalUnfix
  668. GlobalUnlock
  669. GlobalWire
  670. GotoXY
  671. GraphErrorMsg
  672. GraphResult
  673. GrayString
  674. Group
  675. HAccTable
  676. HScroll
  677. HWindow
  678. Halt
  679. Handle
  680. HasHScrollBar
  681. HasNextPage
  682. HasVScrollBar
  683. HelpMessageFilterHookFunction
  684. Hi
  685. HideCaret
  686. HideList
  687. High
  688. HighVideo
  689. HiliteMenuItem
  690. IDSetup
  691. IF
  693. IN
  695. INLINE
  698. IOResult
  699. ImageSize
  700. InSendMessage
  701. Include
  702. IndexOf
  703. InflateRect
  704. Init
  705. InitApplication
  706. InitAtomTable
  707. InitChild
  708. InitClientWindow
  709. InitGraph
  710. InitInstance
  711. InitMainWindow
  712. InitResource
  713. InsLine
  714. Insert
  715. InsertMenu
  716. InsertString
  717. Instance
  718. Int
  719. InterruptRegister
  720. InterruptUnregister
  721. IntersectClipRect
  722. IntersectRect
  723. Intr
  724. InvalidateRect
  725. InvalidateRgn
  726. InvertRect
  727. InvertRgn
  728. IsBadCodePtr
  729. IsBadHugeReadPtr
  730. IsBadHugeWritePtr
  731. IsBadReadPtr
  732. IsBadStringPtr
  733. IsBadWritePtr
  734. IsCharAlpha
  735. IsCharAlphaNumeric
  736. IsCharLower
  737. IsCharUpper
  738. IsChild
  739. IsClipboardFormatAvailable
  740. IsDBCSLeadByte
  741. IsDialogMessage
  742. IsDlgButtonChecked
  743. IsFlagSet
  744. IsGDIObject
  745. IsIconic
  746. IsMenu
  747. IsModal
  748. IsModified
  749. IsRectEmpty
  750. IsTask
  751. IsValid
  752. IsValidInput
  753. IsVisibleRect
  754. IsWindow
  755. IsWindowEnabled
  756. IsWindowVisible
  757. IsZoomed
  758. Items
  759. KBHandlerWnd
  760. Keep
  761. KeyOf
  762. KeyPressed
  763. KillTimer
  764. LABEL
  765. LIBRARY
  766. LPtoDP
  767. LZClose
  768. LZCopy
  769. LZDone
  770. LZInit
  771. LZOpenFile
  772. LZRead
  773. LZSeek
  774. LZStart
  775. LastThat
  776. Length
  777. Limit
  778. LimitEmsPages
  779. Line
  780. LineDDA
  781. LineMagnitude
  782. LineRel
  783. LineTo
  784. Lo
  785. Load
  786. LoadAccelerators
  787. LoadBitmap
  788. LoadCursor
  789. LoadIcon
  790. LoadLibrary
  791. LoadMenu
  792. LoadMenuIndirect
  793. LoadModule
  794. LoadResource
  795. LoadString
  796. LocalAlloc
  797. LocalCompact
  798. LocalFirst
  799. LocalFlags
  800. LocalFree
  801. LocalHandle
  802. LocalInfo
  803. LocalInit
  804. LocalLock
  805. LocalNext
  806. LocalReAlloc
  807. LocalShrink
  808. LocalSize
  809. LocalUnlock
  810. LockInput
  811. LockResource
  812. LockSegment
  813. LockWindowUpdate
  814. LogError
  815. LogParamError
  816. LongDiv
  817. LongMul
  818. Lookup
  819. Low
  820. LowMemory
  821. LowVideo
  822. MOD
  823. MainWindow
  824. MakeProcInstance
  825. MakeWindow
  826. MapDialogRect
  827. MapVirtualKey
  828. MapWindowPoints
  829. Mark
  830. MaxAvail
  831. MaxCollectionSize
  832. MemAlloc
  833. MemAvail
  834. MemManInfo
  835. MemoryRead
  836. MemoryWrite
  837. MessageBeep
  838. MessageBox
  839. MessageLoop
  840. MkDir
  841. ModifyMenu
  842. ModuleFindHandle
  843. ModuleFindName
  844. ModuleFirst
  845. ModuleNext
  846. Move
  847. MoveTo
  848. MoveToEx
  849. MoveWindow
  850. MsDos
  851. MsDos'
  852. MulDiv
  853. NIL
  854. NOT
  855. Name
  856. NetBIOSCall
  857. New
  858. Next
  859. NoSound
  860. NormVideo
  861. NotifyParent
  862. NotifyRegister
  863. NotifyUnRegister
  864. OF
  865. OR
  866. Odd
  867. OemKeyScan
  868. OemToAnsi
  869. OemToAnsiBuff
  870. OffsetClipRgn
  871. OffsetRect
  872. OffsetRgn
  873. OffsetViewportOrg
  874. OffsetViewportOrgEx
  875. OffsetWindowOrg
  876. OffsetWindowOrgEx
  877. Ofs
  878. Ok
  879. OleActivate
  880. OleBlockServer
  881. OleClone
  882. OleClose
  883. OleCopyFromLink
  884. OleCopyToClipboard
  885. OleCreate
  886. OleCreateFromClip
  887. OleCreateFromFile
  888. OleCreateFromTemplate
  889. OleCreateInvisible
  890. OleCreateLinkFromClip
  891. OleCreateLinkFromFile
  892. OleDelete
  893. OleDraw
  894. OleEnumFormats
  895. OleEnumObjects
  896. OleEqual
  897. OleExecute
  898. OleGetData
  899. OleGetLinkUpdateOptions
  900. OleIsDcMeta
  901. OleLoadFromStream
  902. OleLockServer
  903. OleObjectConvert
  904. OleQueryBounds
  905. OleQueryClientVersion
  906. OleQueryCreateFromClip
  907. OleQueryLinkFromClip
  908. OleQueryName
  909. OleQueryOpen
  910. OleQueryOutOfDate
  911. OleQueryProtocol
  912. OleQueryReleaseError
  913. OleQueryReleaseMethod
  914. OleQueryReleaseStatus
  915. OleQueryServerVersion
  916. OleQuerySize
  917. OleQueryType
  918. OleReconnect
  919. OleRegisterClientDoc
  920. OleRegisterServer
  921. OleRegisterServerDoc
  922. OleRelease
  923. OleRename
  924. OleRenameClientDoc
  925. OleRenameServerDoc
  926. OleRequestData
  927. OleRevertClientDoc
  928. OleRevertServerDoc
  929. OleRevokeClientDoc
  930. OleRevokeObject
  931. OleRevokeServer
  932. OleRevokeServerDoc
  933. OleSaveToStream
  934. OleSavedClientDoc
  935. OleSavedServerDoc
  936. OleSetBounds
  937. OleSetColorScheme
  938. OleSetData
  939. OleSetHostNames
  940. OleSetLinkUpdateOptions
  941. OleSetTargetDevice
  942. OleUnblockServer
  943. OleUnlockServer
  944. OleUpdate
  945. OpenClipboard
  946. OpenComm
  947. OpenDriver
  948. OpenFile
  949. OpenIcon
  950. OpenSound
  951. Ord
  952. OutText
  953. OutTextXY
  954. OutputDebugString
  955. OvrClearBuf
  956. OvrInit
  957. OvrInitEMS
  958. OvrSetBuf
  959. PACKED
  961. PROGRAM
  962. PString
  963. Pack
  964. PackTime
  965. PageCount
  966. PageMagnitude
  967. Paint
  968. PaintRgn
  969. ParamCount
  970. ParamStr
  971. Parent
  972. Paste
  973. PatBlt
  974. PeekMessage
  975. Pi
  976. Pie
  977. PieSlice
  978. PlayMetaFile
  979. PlayMetaFileRecord
  980. PolyPolygon
  981. Polygon
  982. Polyline
  983. Pos
  984. PostAppMessage
  985. PostMessage
  986. PostQuitMessage
  987. Pred
  988. PrestoChangoSelector
  989. Previous
  990. PrintDlg
  991. PrintPage
  992. Printer
  993. ProcessAccels
  994. ProcessAppMsg
  995. ProcessDlgMsg
  996. ProcessMDIAccels
  997. PtInRect
  998. PtInRegion
  999. PtVisible
  1000. Ptr
  1001. Put
  1002. PutChildPtr
  1003. PutImage
  1004. PutItem
  1005. PutPixel
  1006. PutSiblingPtr
  1007. QueryAbort
  1008. QuerySendMessage
  1009. RECORD
  1010. REPEAT
  1011. Random
  1012. Randomize
  1013. Read
  1014. ReadComm
  1015. ReadKey
  1016. ReadLn
  1017. ReadStr
  1018. RealizePalette
  1019. RectInRegion
  1020. RectVisible
  1021. Rectangle
  1022. RedrawWindow
  1023. RegCloseKey
  1024. RegCreateKey
  1025. RegDeleteKey
  1026. RegEnumKey
  1027. RegOpenKey
  1028. RegQueryValue
  1029. RegSetValue
  1030. Register
  1031. RegisterClass
  1032. RegisterClipboardFormat
  1033. RegisterDialogClasses
  1034. RegisterType
  1035. RegisterWindowMessage
  1036. Release
  1037. ReleaseCapture
  1038. ReleaseDC
  1039. RemoveFontResource
  1040. RemoveMenu
  1041. RemoveProp
  1042. Rename
  1043. ReplaceText
  1044. ReplyMessage
  1045. Reset
  1046. ResetDC
  1047. ResizePalette
  1048. RestoreCrtMode
  1049. RestoreDC
  1050. Rewrite
  1051. RmDir
  1052. Round
  1053. RoundRect
  1054. Run
  1055. RunError
  1056. SBBottom
  1057. SBLineDown
  1058. SBLineUp
  1059. SBPageDown
  1060. SBPageUp
  1061. SBThumbPosition
  1062. SBThumbTrack
  1063. SBTop
  1064. SET
  1065. SHL
  1066. SHR
  1067. SPtr
  1068. SSeg
  1069. STRING
  1070. SafetyPoolSize
  1071. SaveDC
  1072. ScaleViewportExt
  1073. ScaleViewportExtEx
  1074. ScaleWindowExt
  1075. ScaleWindowExtEx
  1076. ScreenSaverConfigureDialog
  1077. ScreenSaverProc
  1078. ScreenToClient
  1079. Scroll
  1080. ScrollBy
  1081. ScrollDC
  1082. ScrollTo
  1083. ScrollWindow
  1084. ScrollWindowEx
  1085. Scroller
  1086. Search
  1087. Sector
  1088. Seek
  1089. SeekEoLn
  1090. SeekEof
  1091. Seg
  1092. SelectClipRgn
  1093. SelectObject
  1094. SelectPalette
  1095. SelectionChanged
  1096. SendDlgItemMessage
  1097. SendDlgItemMsg
  1098. SendDriverMessage
  1099. SendMessage
  1100. SetAbortProc
  1101. SetActivePage
  1102. SetActiveWindow
  1103. SetAllPalette
  1104. SetAspectRatio
  1105. SetBitmapBits
  1106. SetBitmapDimension
  1107. SetBitmapDimensionEx
  1108. SetBkColor
  1109. SetBkMode
  1110. SetBoundsRect
  1111. SetBrushOrg
  1112. SetCBreak
  1113. SetCaption
  1114. SetCapture
  1115. SetCaretBlinkTime
  1116. SetCaretPos
  1117. SetCheck
  1118. SetClassLong
  1119. SetClassWord
  1120. SetClipboardData
  1121. SetClipboardViewer
  1122. SetColor
  1123. SetCommBreak
  1124. SetCommEventMask
  1125. SetCommState
  1126. SetCursor
  1127. SetCursorPos
  1128. SetDIBits
  1129. SetDIBitsToDevice
  1130. SetDate
  1131. SetDlgItemInt
  1132. SetDlgItemText
  1133. SetDoubleClickTime
  1134. SetErrorMode
  1135. SetFAttr
  1136. SetFTime
  1137. SetFileName
  1138. SetFillPattern
  1139. SetFillStyle
  1140. SetFlags
  1141. SetFocus
  1142. SetGraphMode
  1143. SetHandleCount
  1144. SetIntVec
  1145. SetKBHandler
  1146. SetKeyboardState
  1147. SetLimit
  1148. SetLineStyle
  1149. SetMapMode
  1150. SetMapperFlags
  1151. SetMenu
  1152. SetMenuItemBitmaps
  1153. SetMessageQueue
  1154. SetMetaFileBits
  1155. SetMetaFileBitsBetter
  1156. SetName
  1157. SetPageSize
  1158. SetPalette
  1159. SetPaletteEntries
  1160. SetParent
  1161. SetPixel
  1162. SetPolyFillMode
  1163. SetPosition
  1164. SetPrintParams
  1165. SetProp
  1166. SetRGBPalette
  1167. SetROP2
  1168. SetRange
  1169. SetRect
  1170. SetRectEmpty
  1171. SetRectRgn
  1172. SetResourceHandler
  1173. SetSBarRange
  1174. SetScrollPos
  1175. SetScrollRange
  1176. SetSelIndex
  1177. SetSelString
  1178. SetSelection
  1179. SetSelectorBase
  1180. SetSelectorLimit
  1181. SetSoundNoise
  1182. SetStretchBltMode
  1183. SetSwapAreaSize
  1184. SetSysColors
  1185. SetSysModalWindow
  1186. SetSystemPaletteUse
  1187. SetText
  1188. SetTextAlign
  1189. SetTextBuf
  1190. SetTextCharacterExtra
  1191. SetTextColor
  1192. SetTextJustification
  1193. SetTextJustify
  1194. SetTextStyle
  1195. SetTime
  1196. SetTimer
  1197. SetUnits
  1198. SetUserCharSize
  1199. SetVerify
  1200. SetViewPort
  1201. SetViewportExt
  1202. SetViewportExtEx
  1203. SetViewportOrg
  1204. SetViewportOrgEx
  1205. SetVisualPage
  1206. SetVoiceAccent
  1207. SetVoiceEnvelope
  1208. SetVoiceNote
  1209. SetVoiceQueueSize
  1210. SetVoiceSound
  1211. SetVoiceThreshold
  1212. SetWinDebugInfo
  1213. SetWindowExt
  1214. SetWindowExtEx
  1215. SetWindowLong
  1216. SetWindowOrg
  1217. SetWindowOrgEx
  1218. SetWindowPlacement
  1219. SetWindowPos
  1220. SetWindowText
  1221. SetWindowWord
  1222. SetWindowsHook
  1223. SetWindowsHookEx
  1224. SetWriteMode
  1225. SetupWindow
  1226. ShellExecute
  1227. Show
  1228. ShowCaret
  1229. ShowCursor
  1230. ShowList
  1231. ShowOwnedPopups
  1232. ShowScrollBar
  1233. ShowWindow
  1234. Sin
  1235. Size
  1236. SizeOf
  1237. SizeofResource
  1238. Sound
  1239. SpoolFile
  1240. Sqr
  1241. Sqrt
  1242. StackTraceCSIPFirst
  1243. StackTraceFirst
  1244. StackTraceNext
  1245. StartDoc
  1246. StartPage
  1247. StartSound
  1248. Status
  1249. StopSound
  1250. Store
  1251. Str
  1252. StrRead
  1253. StrWrite
  1254. StreamError
  1255. StretchBlt
  1256. StretchDIBits
  1257. SubtractRect
  1258. Succ
  1259. Swap
  1260. SwapMouseButton
  1261. SwapVectors
  1262. SwitchStackBack
  1263. SwitchStackTo
  1264. SyncAllVoices
  1265. SystemHeapInfo
  1266. SystemParametersInfo
  1267. TApplication
  1268. TBufStream
  1269. TButton
  1270. TByteArray
  1271. TCheckBox
  1272. TCollection
  1273. TComboBox
  1274. TControl
  1275. TDialog
  1276. TDlgWindow
  1277. TDosStream
  1278. TEdit
  1279. TEditPrintout
  1280. TEmsStream
  1281. TFilterValidator
  1282. TGroupBox
  1283. THEN
  1284. TItemList
  1285. TListBox
  1286. TLookupValidator
  1287. TMDIClient
  1288. TMDIWindow
  1289. TO
  1290. TObject
  1291. TPXPictureValidator
  1292. TPrintDialog
  1293. TPrintOut
  1294. TPrinter
  1295. TPrinterAbortDlg
  1296. TPrinterSetupDlg
  1297. TRadioButton
  1298. TRangeValidator
  1299. TScrollBar
  1300. TScroller
  1301. TSortedCollection
  1302. TStatic
  1303. TStrCollection
  1304. TStream
  1305. TStringLookupValidator
  1306. TValidator
  1307. TWindow
  1308. TWindowPrintout
  1309. TWindowsObject
  1310. TWordArray
  1311. TYPE
  1312. TabbedTextOut
  1313. TaskFindHandle
  1314. TaskFirst
  1315. TaskGetCSIP
  1316. TaskNext
  1317. TaskSetCSIP
  1318. TaskSwitch
  1319. TerminateApp
  1320. TextBackground
  1321. TextColor
  1322. TextHeight
  1323. TextLen
  1324. TextMode
  1325. TextOut
  1326. TextWidth
  1327. Throw
  1328. TileChildren
  1329. TimerCount
  1330. ToAscii
  1331. Toggle
  1332. TrackMode
  1333. TrackPopupMenu
  1334. Transfer
  1335. TransferBuffer
  1336. TransferData
  1337. TranslateAccelerator
  1338. TranslateMDISysAccel
  1339. TranslateMessage
  1340. TransmitCommChar
  1341. Trunc
  1342. Truncate
  1343. UNIT
  1344. UNTIL
  1345. USES
  1346. USES'
  1347. UnAllocDiskSpace
  1348. UnAllocFileHandles
  1349. Uncheck
  1350. Undo
  1351. UngetCommChar
  1352. UnhookWindowsHook
  1353. UnhookWindowsHookEx
  1354. UnionRect
  1355. UnlockSegment
  1356. UnpackTime
  1357. UnrealizeObject
  1358. UnregisterClass
  1359. UpCase
  1360. UpdateColors
  1361. UpdateWindow
  1362. VAR
  1363. VScroll
  1364. Val
  1365. ValidWindow
  1366. ValidateCodeSegments
  1367. ValidateFreeSpaces
  1368. ValidateRect
  1369. ValidateRgn
  1370. VerFindFile
  1371. VerInstallFile
  1372. VerLanguageName
  1373. VerQueryValue
  1374. VkKeyScan
  1375. WHILE
  1376. WITH
  1377. WMActivate
  1378. WMClose
  1379. WMCommand
  1380. WMDestroy
  1381. WMHScroll
  1382. WMInitDialog
  1383. WMLButtonDown
  1384. WMMove
  1385. WMNCDestroy
  1386. WMPaint
  1387. WMPostInvalid
  1388. WMQueryEndSession
  1389. WMSize
  1390. WMVScroll
  1391. WNetAddConnection
  1392. WNetCancelConnection
  1393. WNetGetConnection
  1394. WaitMessage
  1395. WaitSoundState
  1396. WhereX
  1397. WhereX'
  1398. WhereY
  1399. WinExec
  1400. WinHelp
  1401. Window
  1402. WindowFromPoint
  1403. Write
  1404. WriteComm
  1405. WriteLn
  1406. WritePrivateProfileString
  1407. WriteProfileString
  1408. WriteStr
  1409. XLine
  1410. XOR
  1411. XPage
  1412. XPos
  1413. XRange
  1421. XTYP_ERROR
  1424. XTYP_POKE
  1430. XUnit
  1431. YLine
  1432. YPage
  1433. YPos
  1434. YRange
  1435. YUnit
  1436. Yield
  1437. _hread
  1438. _hwrite
  1439. _lclose
  1440. _lcreat
  1441. _llseek
  1442. _lopen
  1443. _lread
  1444. _lwrite
  1445. fAuxiliary
  1446. fCarry
  1447. fOverflow
  1448. fParity
  1449. fSign
  1450. fZero
  1451. faAnyFile
  1452. faArchive
  1453. faDirectory
  1454. faHidden
  1455. faReadOnly
  1456. faSysFile
  1457. faVolumeID
  1458. fcDirectory
  1459. fcExtension
  1460. fcFileName
  1461. fcWildcards
  1462. fmClosed
  1463. fmInOut
  1464. fmInput
  1465. fmOutput
  1466. fsDirectory
  1467. fsExtension
  1468. fsFileName
  1469. fsPathName
  1470. hmemcpy
  1471. lstrcat
  1472. lstrcmp
  1473. lstrcmpi
  1474. lstrcpy
  1475. lstrlen
  1476. wvsprintf